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Shuttle Service

Murray Hyundai is pleased to announce that our shuttle service is back for your convenience.

Our shuttle service will allow for 10 Appointments per day (maximum 4 customers per trip) consisting of 2 morning drop-off times departing Murray Hyundai at 8:00AM and 10:00AM Monday thru Friday, and 2 afternoon pickup times between 2:30PM and 3:30PM and 4:00PM and 5:00PM Monday thru Friday. Click here to book your Service Appointment.

Please note that drop-offs and pick-ups will be limited to the following geographic area within the Perimeter Highway:

  • South of the Assiniboine River, including Downtown
  • South of Marion Street
  • South of Dugald Road
*Please refer to map below for reference.

Other Servicing Options

Waiter Appointments

We do still offer our 9 ‘Waiter Appointments’ Monday to Friday. These are appointments when you can expect your vehicle to go into the shop to be worked on as soon as you drop it off. We offer 6 appointments for drop off in the morning at either 8.00am or 8.30am and 3 appointments for drop off at 1pm.

Drop-off Appointments

This accounts for the balance of our available appointments each day. If you have one of these appointments the appointment time is your drop off time and not when your vehicle will be going into the shop to be worked on. Please expect to leave your vehicle with us for the majority of the day with pickup being when your advisor contacts you to let you know the work on your vehicle is complete. This can be any time from 9am to 6pm but will normally be sometime later in the day.